See my new product line on Etsy. T-shirts, mugs, journal notebooks, and more.

Trifix Digital Maps are now available as a PDF download depicting all 27 trifixes ‘dissected’ into their component ‘stems’ to clarify and illustrate the overarching theme of each Trifix. See the slideshow above for a preview.
$12.00 USD
Thank you for supporting my Enneagram work and ideas.
Instinctual Stacking Cards –
Digital Edition
This digital edition of the Enneagram Instinct Cards includes all the features of the original hard-copy version in a pdf file. This 15-card set correlates the three instincts with the Classical Four Elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water), as well as depicting the zones within each instinct. And introduces the Animal Symbols from the ancient Buddhist “Bhavachakra” symbol, now associated with the three instincts — Social, Self-Preservation, Sexual.
Instinctual Stacking –
Texture & Design Plates
This brief digital edition is presented as a supplement to the Enneagram Instinct Cards, to convey further impressions of the instinctual stackings in non-verbal form, as a means to assist in the typing process and to elaborate on the tone and elemental nature of each of the stackings.
© 2013 David Gray
Personality Typing Services
If you’d like professional assistance to figure out your main Type, Trifix, and Instinctual Stacking, or that of someone else’s, or for further in-depth insight & analysis using the Enneagram as a self-awareness tool, phone or Zoom consultations are available.
See rates below and write to to schedule an appointment.